Sutton Vineyard is affiliated to Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland and a member of the Evangelical Alliance. They gather each Sunday as a Church Family in the main hall of Overton Grange School, however the position of the school’s projection screen that had previously been installed by Clarity, whilst ideal for student assemblies, does not suit the congregation who face a different wall when seated. Sutton Vineyard therefore wanted to investigate the possibility of having their own projector and screen installed in the hall, so the school put them in touch with Clarity.
After discussion it was agreed that Clarity would install an identical Panasonic, high brightness, 7,000 lumens, laser projector and lens combination as already installed in the school hall, but the new projector for the church was positioned to project an image onto the adjacent wall to the school’s projector.
Over a period of time, a laser projector will be less expensive to maintain than one with a lamp. The lamps in projectors can last for 1,000 to 3,000 hours, sometimes more, but many laser projectors have a life of 20,000 hours and no filters, so they will be maintenance free for many years. Most projectors, particularly those with lamps, lose up to 15-25% of their light output within the first 6 months of use, then the light output continues to drop at a slower rate. Laser projectors also drop in brightness over time, but at a considerably slower rate than projectors with lamps, and the rate of lowering the brightness is uniform throughout its life.
Clarity suspended the new laser projector from a central lighting bar, close to the existing school projector. The church required a single SDI input to be connected to an existing Television Studio HD switcher and routed to the new projector via a Micro SDI to HDMI converter, located close to the projector.
A four-metre wide electric projection screen was installed in the hall which can be raised or lowered using a wireless remote control.
As Jon said above, the installation has made a huge improvement to their services.
“It was so nice this past Sunday to be able to turn up and turn a projector on without having to set up a projector and screen!! It made such a difference to our service. Thank you so much!”Jon Dowdeswell, Operations & Business Manager